FGF1 analogue as a novel therapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Acronym: FAiND

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious civilization diseases in the world. Despite advances in its treatment, therapies can cause numerous side effects, such too low level of blood glucose (hypoglycemia), liver steatosis and loss of bone mass.

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative and original diabetes agent based on the Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) analogue for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Project leader:

Celon Pharma S.A.    


University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Biotechnology

 Project No. POIR.04.01.04.-00-0117/15 is carried out within the frame of Priority axis IV: Increasing the research potential, Measure 4.1 Research and Development of Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

 The total cost of the project:  13 396 154.28  PLN, co-financing from the National Centre for Research and Development in the amount of 9 941 542.38 PLN 

Research team

Jacek Otlewski (PhD), R&D Leader

Małgorzata Zakrzewska (PhD)

Daniel Krowarsch (PhD)

Aleksandra Sokołowska-Wędzina (PhD)

Piotr Jakimowicz (PhD)

Monika Nahorska (PhD)

Aleksandra Czyrek (Msc)

Karolina Świderska (Msc)

Marta Minkiewicz (MSc)

Daria Nawrocka (MSc)

Contact person

Monika Nahorska (PhD)
+48 71 375 26 08

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